Planned for future versions
- Show the user a list of Songs or MusicPages that are missing
- In properties, show the date a song was added to a playlist.
- In song properties, show what PlayLists include the song.
- Allow songs in a PlayList to be sorted (temporarily) by name, or by date added (especially in the AllSongs PlayList).
- Allow adding pages to songs using Drag-n-Drop on a song.
- When a tag is added to a song, the Tags Window is not automatically updated. To reproduce, create a new song, and before saving it, add a new tag to it. Don't press [Enter] after adding the tag, but instead click on another property.
- Add page margin adjustments to avoid having to use a PDF editor.
- Additional image editing tools
- The ability to toggle page turns using MIDI events
- Allow the user to actually delete a song file from disk. Don't make them go out and use a file editor for it.
- Some PDFs are extremely sluggish (see ICanOnlyImagine.pdf) compared to JPGs. Profile it to see what's going on.
- The PlayList delete confirmation dialog shows a Java icon instead of the VirtMus icon.
- The Mac docker shows the Java icon instead of the VirtMus one.
- When a new song or page is added, the item tree in the playlist window does not automatically expand to show it.
- Revisit the PDF rendering engine selection logic in IcePdfImg and foogly()
- Crop bounds seem to be ignored by PDFRenderer (Our Father)
- When running from NetBeans, the build/public-package-jars doesn't contain the windows JAI jar file.
- It's possible to add a pdf file as a song, since we don't check if the "new song" file is a real song file. To test, try to add a "new song" to a playlist, and when the dialog box comes up, select an existing pdf file instead of providing the new song name. What happens is that a new song file is created with .song.xml appended. That might be OK, but it should finish off by adding all the PDF pages to that song file.
- IcePdfImg and PdfViewImg@getDimension() must return the same value, regardless of screen size, otherwise the annotations are all messed up when the user changes screens. Need to be able to paint WRT a coordinate system that doesn't change.
- Songs can not be re-ordered sometimes. Created a new playlist, copied some
songs (using Ctrl-C) from another playlist, and pasted them (using Ctrl-V)
into the newly created playlist. When trying to re-order the songs, neither
drag-n-drop, nor move up/down worked (even after
). Had to edit the file by hand andFile->Reload
to pick up the new order from disk.