Main Options


  • PlayList Directory: All playlists found in this directory (and its subdirectories, recursively) will be shown in the PlayList Window tab when the application start up.
  • Songs Directory: All songs found in this directory (and its subdirectories, recursively) will be added to the All Songs playlist on application start up.
  • Display orientation: When using a laptop (or tablet PC) to display the music, the display can be opened flat and the laptop placed on the music stand in any desired orientation. This setting determines which direction is up. For example, if you plan to place the laptop on the music stand as shown in the second image below (with the keyboard on the right and the display on the left), select the second orientation button (Clockwise 90). The 4 laptop orientations below correspond to the 4 display orientation buttons. img

  • Page scroll

    • Scroll percentage: When set to 0, only one page is shown at a time regardless of the page and/or display size. When set to any other value, as many pages as fit on the screen will be shown. The illustrations below show how the display changes every time you click the mouse under different settings.
      • Display orientation = Normal
      • Scroll percentage = 30
      • Scroll direction = Horizontal
        • img
      • Display orientation = Normal
      • Scroll percentage = 100
      • Scroll direction = Horizontal
        • img
      • Display orientation = Clockwise 90
      • Scroll percentage = 100
      • Scroll direction = Vertical
        • img
      • Display orientation = Clockwise 90
      • Scroll percentage = 30
      • Scroll direction = Vertical
        • img

Keymap Options

The keymap options allow the user to modify the keyboard shortcuts for all of the actions available. The actions are organized roughly according to the menu, so for example the "Edit Annotations" action is under the MusicPage folder.
